As more and more Korean companies stand out in the global market and the influence of the Korean Wave grows, more and more Asian countries tend to imitate Korean companies' culture and brands. In some Southeast Asian countries, including China, the number of Korean companies preoccupying the same or similar emulation of famous brands is increasing, and domestic companies seeking to enter the countries are often losing a lot.
The trademark system of foreign countries is based on shorthandism, so not only are trademark laws and practices different, but some countries, such as China, lack social awareness about the use of trademarks or the non-recognition of trademarks acquired for fraudulent purposes, often lead to foreign brand names being preempted, and the trademarks are often not properly protected.
The Korea Trademark and Design Association lists famous brands in Korea in advance and prepares various measures to use them as reference materials or evidence materials for screening, judging, and litigation in case of disputes in foreign countries.
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